Why Ai Now?

AI has been around for a while, but in recent years, advances in machine learning, computing power, and data availability have made it more practical and powerful. The reason it's so important now is because it's starting to transform all kinds of industries—healthcare, finance, entertainment, education, and beyond.

To stay relevant, there are a few key things we need to learn:

  1. Understanding the Basics: Get familiar with how AI works—machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks. You don’t need to become an expert right away, but understanding the fundamentals helps.

  2. Data Literacy: AI is all about data, so understanding how to collect, analyse, and interpret data is crucial. It’s less about memorising numbers and more about knowing how to make sense of data to drive decisions.

  3. Ethics in AI: With great power comes great responsibility. AI can influence everything from hiring decisions to healthcare outcomes, so learning about the ethical implications and fairness in AI is important to ensure that it's used properly.

  4. Adaptability: AI is continuously evolving. The ability to adapt to new tools, trends, and technologies will keep you ahead of the curve.

  5. Collaboration: AI isn't just for engineers or data scientists. It’s interdisciplinary. It's helpful to understand how AI can apply to your specific field, whether you’re in marketing, law, design, or any other area.

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About us

On average, about 200 new AI productivity tools are released per week across the world. For organisations, this means the choice of tools is vast and the line between success and failure in picking the right tool can be fine at best.

Component6 believe that the way organisations can get the most from AI is through being able to understand where it is relevant, how to choose a tool for a job, and how to make sure that you are not swept along in the excitement but instead focus on value back to the organisation.

We understand that AI is ‘just’ another technology, but we also understand that this is one of the first times, that all your staff are using that technology at home and that they expect to be able to use the same tools at work.

We work with you to empower the members of your organisation to be accountable for their usage of AI and to be educated on what tools they might use for a job and why. We help you put in place the frameworks that support Ethical, Safe usage of AI and understand that this requires articles such as Policies or Strategies to communicate this to others. Most of all, we understand that your organisation taking positive steps with AI is not a technology challenge, it is a people challenge and we are here to maximise your chances of success and minimise the risks.

Our team have been working with AI before most, implementing solutions for large organisations such as Miners, Government Agencies and Utilities. We have built and designed strategies and policies for organisations and believe that with the changes in the AI world, a traditional consultancy model only takes the organisation so far, so we have designed methods and frameworks that truly make a difference.

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